COR-101 approved for first clinical study

COR-101 approved for first clinical study

CORAT Therapeutics GmbH obtained regulatory authorization for clinical phase Ib/II trial with the SARS-CoV-2 neutralizing human antibody COR-101. The study ( ID: NCT04674566) is a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, parallel-group,...
Second financing round secured for the development of COR-101

Second financing round secured for the development of COR-101

A second financing round was closed with NBank Capital, the investment company of NBank. Additional investors came from the private sector in Braunschweig. CORAT Therapeutics is in close coordination with the regulatory authorities and expects the green light for the...
CORAT lead product COR-101 ready for clinical trials

CORAT lead product COR-101 ready for clinical trials

15.11.2020 – CORAT Therapeutics CEO Dr. Andreas Herrmann today proudly reports the conclusion of the production campaign providing the first larger batch of COR-101 ready for the patients. COR-101 is a fully human antibody developed in Braunschweig which...