COR-101 decreased SARS-CoV-2 virus load in the lung by more than 99%COR-101 induced recovery after 2 days, compared to 7 days untreated CORAT Therapeutics GmbH today reports the successful conclusion of hamster disease model tests of their lead candidate COR-101...
Because SARS-CoV-2 is a novel virus, many people have not yet developed antibodies against the pathogen. Vaccines can protect healthy people, but they cannot cure people affected by COVID-19. Furthermore, not everyone responds to the vaccine. Passive immunisation by...
Durchstarterpreis award ceremony “And the winner is: CORAT Therapeutics!” The online award ceremony with the Nominees (top) and Stefan Muhle, Dr. Althusmann and Dr. Sabine Johannsen (left to right). (Photos: NBank) In an event with Economics Minister Dr....
15.11.2020 – CORAT Therapeutics CEO Dr. Andreas Herrmann today proudly reports the conclusion of the production campaign providing the first larger batch of COR-101 ready for the patients. COR-101 is a fully human antibody developed in Braunschweig which...
Lower Saxony’s Minister of Economics Dr. Bernd Althusmann and Lower Saxony’s Minister of Science Björn Thümler, together with Prof. Josef von Helden, Chairman of the Board of the Innovation Network Lower Saxony, once again honoured visionary ideas,...